Saturday, January 29, 2011

Too Much Snow

Unlike the Eskimos we only have one word for snow but we have a lot of
modifiers for that word. There is too much snow, which, unlike rain,
does not immediately run off. It falls and stays for months. Someone
wished for this snow. Someone got a deal, five cents on the dollar, and
spent the entire family fortune. It's the simple solution, it covers
everything. We are never satisfied with the arrangement of the snow so
we spend hours moving the snow from one place to another. Too much
snow. I box it up and send it to family and friends. I send a big box to my
cousin in California. I send a small box to my mother. She writes "Don't
send so much. I'm all alone now. I'll never be able to use so much." To
you I send a single snowflake, beautiful, complex and delicate; different
from all the others.

by Louis Jenkins
from Just Above Water © Holy Cow Press!