Thursday, July 7, 2011

As if summer needed proving....

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately...

and see if I could learn what it had to teach,

and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

- Henry David Thoreau

... I wonder if I need a similar manifesto? I went to the beach. One solid week after school ended. A week made so by unfinished work and stupidity. (I lifted a metric ton of books--- little by little and then, in a particularly dumb move, all at once.) So, I was late getting there. And I was somewhat surprisingly ambivalent. (" Riddle me this, Batman....") Well, I am thinking it is any number of things. The crazy notion that the grief was waiting there for me, when in truth it is here everyday. Add an equally insane idea that I do not want to grow attached to this summer morning habit of mine and have it be even more difficult to go back to work in the Fall. Maybe it was the hurricane and the way it kicked me on my last real visit of the summer?

There's just no telling. Save this: more joy in the gardening than the beach combing so far. That I will have to admit. Women are a changable lot. At any moment or morn everything may tilt. But in the meantime, there's a garden to tend to. And better planning to be done regarding the beach going; there are some conflicts in schedule to be worked out, a better plan regarding keeping the car key and camera dry, better route, better shoes, better wear. And the end of this sentence to be pondered and then chiseled: "I go to the beach to _____________."

Yes, I would like to know what words fill that space. always, click on photos for a larger twice for an even larger view....