July 21, 2010 9:53am
I had a date with Robert Moses this morning. I've been a teacher for 25 years, stopped working summers after number seventeen, I think, and have been stringing him along ever since... promising him daily early morning walks. But not this morning. I was at the tower turnaround before 7 am. Two deer and a rabbit were feeding on that patch of ground under it. When I parked my car, I wondered what that roar was, exactly. It couldn't be... but it WAS... in that early morning uber-quiet, I have never heard the waves so deafening. Later, when I neared the turnaround to leave, one deer was still in place, one crossed in front of me toward the brush.... Later, whilst doing the dishes, I remembered that I forgot to mention following the deer tracks in the sand from the shoreline back to my car, or the duck-ish webbed tracks swirling around them or the much lighter three pronged ones which braided with those--- nor did I mention the swallowish birds I watched dart above ....
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